You ever listen to a song and think, how did that lyric so perfectly put what I’m thinking and feeling into words? Same. There’s something so comforting and cathartic about a song that sounds like it was plucked out of the dark hallways of your mind and placed into a beautiful melody. Here are a few of those songs — songs that remind me of my eating disorder/eating disorder recovery:
The lyric that stuck with me: I'll try not to starve myself, just because you're mad at me
The lyric that stuck with me: Changed my body and my hobbies, switched from regular to diet, used to wonder if being skinny would be worth it if I could die from it, but then I found out that being loved and being small feel synonymous, so I don’t know, if I could do it all again- would I still drink Diet Coke?
The lyric that stuck with me: From when your Brooklyn broke my skin and bones, I'm a soldier who's returning half her weight
The lyric that stuck with me: I hosted parties and starved my body, like I'd be saved by a perfect kiss
Ok one more: Take the moment and taste it, you've got no reason to be afraid
The lyric that stuck with me: I'm not afraid of a bite, I can take it. Watch how I bend, but I'm, I'm not breaking
I want to know: Are there other songs that resonate with you like this? Are there lyrics that help you remember you are not alone in your mental health struggles?
I love Lizzo for this reason. While songs written by skinny woman can feel triggering, Lizzo’s music (and videos!) really helps me embrace my body as it is. Sending you lots of love, Julie!
“Things don’t fit” by Eva Westphal and “I’m not pretty” by Jessica